Langkah-Langkah Memakai NIKTO Web Scanning Pada Windows


Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 3500 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 900 servers, and version specific problems on over 250 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated (if desired).

Nikto is not designed as an overly stealthy tool. It will test a web server in the shortest timespan possible, and it's fairly obvious in log files. However, there is support for LibWhisker's anti-IDS methods in case you want to give it a try (or test your IDS system).
Not every check is a security problem, though most are. There are some items that are "info only" type checks that look for items that may not have a security flaw, but the webmaster or security engineer may not know are present on the server. These items are usually marked appropriately in the information printed. There are also some checks for unknown items which have been seen scanned for in log files.
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Langsung saja kita Praktikan:

  1. donlot program nya dahulu di

  2. setelah itu extract file-file nya di folder yag telah anda siapkan

  3. sebelum di jalankan file *.pl nya, khusus untuk pengguna Windows harus menginstall program tambahan dahulu yaitu activepearl, Bisa didonlot di

  4. setelah mendapatkan program activepearl, langsung saja di install.

  5. lalu buka CommandPrompt, lalu menuju folder yang kita extract tadi dan ketikan perintah perl –h -target-
    Sebagai contoh saya memakai localhost untuk menjadi target scanner kita

  6. tunggu beberapa saat, hingga proses scanning selesai

  7. Tadaaaa…, Web telah discanning.., monggo di tes satu persatu hasil dari scanning yang telah kita lakukan.

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